Daily Life of a Secular Carmelite
The foundation and essence of our vocation is prayer. Therefore in imitation of our Blessed Mother Mary and heeding the call of Jesus, her Son, to “pray always without becoming weary” (Lk. 18:1) Secular Carmelites will seek union with God and strive to live in the constant awareness of his presence.
They ought to:
1. Practice mental prayer for at least 30 minutes each day in an atmosphere of interior silence and solitude.
Secular Carmelites will unite their prayers with those of the universal Church by participating in the Church’s liturgical celebrations.
2. Morning and Evening Prayer of The Liturgy of the Hours are to be prayed each day. The praying of Night Prayer is highly encouraged.
3. They will seek, within the limits imposed by their secular state, to participate in daily Mass whenever possible. When attendance at daily Mass is not possible, reflection on the scripture readings of the day is encouraged.
Called to continual conversion, Secular Carmelites will seek to identify and place before God any obstacles and impediments to union with him. Confident in God’s loving mercy, they will:
4. Engage in a daily examination of conscience, ideally just before retiring or at the beginning of Night Prayer.
5. Participate frequently in the Sacrament of Reconciliation (Penance).
The early hermits on Mount Carmel, following in the footsteps of our Lord and of our Holy Father Elijah, sought the solitude of the desert to pray and to listen for the “still small voice”(1 Kings 19:12) of the Holy Spirit. Echoing this practice and tradition, Secular Carmelites are encouraged to:
6. Attend at least one retreat per year – preferably a Carmelite and/or community retreat when possible.
7. Participate in days of recollection. Where possible, retreats and days of recollection may be cooperative efforts involving more than one Community.
They ought to:
1. Practice mental prayer for at least 30 minutes each day in an atmosphere of interior silence and solitude.
Secular Carmelites will unite their prayers with those of the universal Church by participating in the Church’s liturgical celebrations.
2. Morning and Evening Prayer of The Liturgy of the Hours are to be prayed each day. The praying of Night Prayer is highly encouraged.
3. They will seek, within the limits imposed by their secular state, to participate in daily Mass whenever possible. When attendance at daily Mass is not possible, reflection on the scripture readings of the day is encouraged.
Called to continual conversion, Secular Carmelites will seek to identify and place before God any obstacles and impediments to union with him. Confident in God’s loving mercy, they will:
4. Engage in a daily examination of conscience, ideally just before retiring or at the beginning of Night Prayer.
5. Participate frequently in the Sacrament of Reconciliation (Penance).
The early hermits on Mount Carmel, following in the footsteps of our Lord and of our Holy Father Elijah, sought the solitude of the desert to pray and to listen for the “still small voice”(1 Kings 19:12) of the Holy Spirit. Echoing this practice and tradition, Secular Carmelites are encouraged to:
6. Attend at least one retreat per year – preferably a Carmelite and/or community retreat when possible.
7. Participate in days of recollection. Where possible, retreats and days of recollection may be cooperative efforts involving more than one Community.
Community Life
Our Carmelite vocation is lived out in community. Communities shall meet at least monthly allowing sufficient time for:
– prayer: Morning or Evening prayer from the Liturgy of the Hours/Divine Office and if feasible, mental prayer as a community
– formation
– socializing/fellowship
– business meeting.
Every Secular Carmelite will strive to place the good of the community and fraternal charity above self-interest and will give the community meeting primacy of place in the ordering of his/her schedule. The desire and ability to attend community meetings are signs of an authentic vocation. There are no secular member Isolates in the Washington Province.
The Secular will:
a) faithfully attend monthly meetings. NOTE: Absences should be for serious reasons and in accordance with the local community’s attendance policy.
b) share in the duties and responsibilities of the community as designated by the local council
c) participate, in some way, in the Community apostolate.
– prayer: Morning or Evening prayer from the Liturgy of the Hours/Divine Office and if feasible, mental prayer as a community
– formation
– socializing/fellowship
– business meeting.
Every Secular Carmelite will strive to place the good of the community and fraternal charity above self-interest and will give the community meeting primacy of place in the ordering of his/her schedule. The desire and ability to attend community meetings are signs of an authentic vocation. There are no secular member Isolates in the Washington Province.
The Secular will:
a) faithfully attend monthly meetings. NOTE: Absences should be for serious reasons and in accordance with the local community’s attendance policy.
b) share in the duties and responsibilities of the community as designated by the local council
c) participate, in some way, in the Community apostolate.
Prayer For Vocations
Jesus, high priest and Redeemer forever, we beg you to call young men and women to your service, as priests, deacons and religious. Through the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary may they be inspired by the lives of dedicated priests, deacons, brothers and sisters.
Give to parents the grace of generosity and trust toward you and their child so that their sons and daughters may be helped to choose their vocation in life with wisdom and freedom.
O God, you have called us to salvation and have sent your Son to establish the Church for this purpose, and you have provided the sacred ministers.
The harvest is ever ready but the laborers are scarce. Inspire our youth to follow Jesus by serving Your People, call men and women to the Carmelite Family, both religious and lay people. And as all of us are called to be a royal priesthood, help us work – in whatever way is pleasing to you – to build up the Kingdom of Heaven.
In the name of Christ our Lord, Amen.
Give to parents the grace of generosity and trust toward you and their child so that their sons and daughters may be helped to choose their vocation in life with wisdom and freedom.
O God, you have called us to salvation and have sent your Son to establish the Church for this purpose, and you have provided the sacred ministers.
The harvest is ever ready but the laborers are scarce. Inspire our youth to follow Jesus by serving Your People, call men and women to the Carmelite Family, both religious and lay people. And as all of us are called to be a royal priesthood, help us work – in whatever way is pleasing to you – to build up the Kingdom of Heaven.
In the name of Christ our Lord, Amen.